Health benefits of watermelon Seeds


Watermelon is an extremely popular fruit. While we all enjoy eating this sweet refreshing fruit, we usually discard the tiny seeds scattered in it without realising or rather knowing of their health benefits. These seeds are loaded with nutrients including fatty acids, essential proteins and lots of minerals. These seeds are rich in vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Besides, they are a great source of calories with 100 grammes of watermelon seeds providing around 600 grammes of calories. (more…)

8 Reasons Avocado Is a Perfect Weight-Loss Food


Avocado was all like, “Look at me, I’m the good fat!” and Butter was like, “Show-off!” Trendy, popular and a bit of an overachiever in the health department, avocado is like the homecoming queen of the fats parade. It’s actually a single-seeded berry native to Mexico, but at 322 calories and 29 grams of fat — 10 to 20 times what you’ll find in any other item in the produce aisle — the avocado can arguably be considered more of a fat than a fruit.
