How Does Marijuana Affect Pregnancy & Fertility?


Q: My boyfriend and I love smoking weed. I personally love the way it makes me feel (particularly during sex). However, I read that smoking cigarettes can mess with women’s ability to get pregnant, and I’m wondering if marijuana is similarly bad for fertility. We’re not trying to have a kid right now, but we have discussed it for the future and I don’t want something we’re doing now to hinder that potential future goal.


Obesity and male infertility: A global health problem


The increasing number of overweight/obese individuals has established obesity as one of the most relevant health problems for years to come. Subfertility or infertility are silent problems that overweight/obese men have to face. This is particularly relevant since there is an enormous increase of children, adolescents and young adult men who are overweight or obese. This is a health issue that should be carefully addressed and deserves attention from policymakers and the media. (more…)