2. Sleep It Off
Amelia Narcisi of Radnor, Pennsylvania logs 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night to keep her immune system strong. Science backs her up: Research shows that people who sleep only 5 to 6 hours a night have a 30 percent chance of catching a cold when exposed to the virus, but those who get more than 7 hours reduce their risk to 17 percent. (Drink THIS to sleep 90 minutes more at night.)
3. Strengthen Your Mental Resolve
Talk about mind over matter: “When people around me complain about how sick they get at specific times of the year, I say that I rarely get sick—and I don’t. It’s the power of belief,” says Elisha Lowe, a nurse in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania.
4. Get a Handle On Stress
Stress has been proven to weaken your immune system, yet it’s impossible to avoid. So your goal should be to manage stress in a healthy way, says Kathy Gruver, Ph.D., author of The Alternative Medicine Cabinet.
“I work hard on controlling my responses to stressors through dancing, daily meditation, visualizations, and affirmations,” Gruver says.
5. Stay Squeaky Clean
“I wash my hands all the time and open doors and touch elevator buttons with a clean tissue whenever possible,” says Dan Collins, who works in media relations at a Baltimore hospital.
“When I return to my desk, I immediately grab my supply of antibacterial hand wipes,” he says. “And whenever my eye itches, I never use the tip of my finger to scratch unless I can sanitize my finger first; instead, I use my knuckle or the back of my hand, as these areas have had less contact with germs than my fingertips.”
Collins also holds his breath “for a good 15 seconds” if he walks by someone who sneezes, and takes zinc at the first sign that a cold is trying to take hold—a habit that research supports.
6. Be a Gym Rat
Regular exercise strengthens your immune system and makes you less likely to catch upper respiratory infections, according to a study in the Journal of Sport and Health Science.
“My husband and I work out at least three times a week, and we’ve been working with a personal trainer for a number of years,” says Julie Michener, from Minneapolis. “I think that’s why I don’t get sick even when everyone else in my office does.”
7. Telecommute
“When I commuted to work and used mass transit, I was always getting sick, probably because I was so run-down and also surrounded by germsas I moved from a cramped train to the subway,” says Christina Halper Gorini of Belmar, New Jersey. “Since finding a new job that lets me work from home, I’m almost never sick.”
8. Know When to Power Down
“I haven’t had a cold in probably 15 years, but I’m a huge believer in nipping illness in the bud,” says Ken Montgomery of San Francisco.
“If I suspect that something might be coming on, I won’t work late, I won’t go to the gym, and I’ll make sure I get more sleep,” he says. “All it takes is one day and I’m back to normal. I think most people have this ‘I’ll fight through it’ mentality, and all that does is exacerbate it.”
Source: Men’s Health