5 Possible Signs Of Male Infertility


Most discussions of infertility center around women. If you can’t have babies, it must be the lady’s fault, right? Incorrect. Men can have equal difficulties in producing offspring, whether because there’s an issue with the production of enough sperm (some men have a drop in sperm count after suffering mumps, for example) or with the method of delivering it to the ovaries in the first place. So if you’re trying to conceive with a male partner and not getting anywhere, knowing the possible signs of male infertility might help you out. (more…)

Men’s Infertility: Are we sweeping it under the carpet?

The impact of the patriarchal structure that our society so vehemently defends has much more drastic consequences than what meets the eye. In India, childlessness in any married couple is easily assumed as being a woman’s fault. They are declared infertile without the couple even going through any medical examination. As the woman involved bears the brunt for failing to conceive a baby, she undergoes emotional trauma and severe depression facing the tirade of the entire family. Moreover, based on the self-proclaimed fact, the man obtains the divine right to marry another woman, who, subsequently, fails to conceive either. By the time one realises that the cause of childlessness is due to male infertility, two women have already fallen prey to the hideous social structure. Crushed underneath the apathy of society over the raging issue, lies a screaming question, “why is there a deafening silence over male infertility in India?”
