It’s not an unusual scenario: a couple decides to try for a baby, and the female half of the equation embarks upon a preconception diet and lifestyle makeover to improve her chances of falling pregnant and prepare her body for pregnancy. But did you know that it’s just as important for your partner to revise his food and lifestyle choices? Yes, you can boost male fertility, too, and here’s how.
Eat healthier foods
For optimum reproductive function and good, strong swimmers, a man needs to eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet that provides adequate intakes of the vitamins and minerals required for sperm health (including vitamin C, zinc and selenium). Aim for a variety of whole-grain carbohydrates, fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat dairy and lean meat as well as eggs, nuts and legumes. Talk to your healthcare provider about the suitability of supplements in your diet. Need some inspiration for some male fertility friendly meals? Try our male fertility recipes.
Consider losing weight
Both men and women can come up against fertility problems if they are overweight (or underweight, for that matter). Aim to reach a healthy weight for your height (check your ideal weight by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI)) before you start trying for a baby, and you have a better chance of falling pregnant sooner.
Start exercising
Yes, it will help you maintain a healthy weight, but regular exercise is also great for alleviating stress, which can be a factor in reduced fertility among men. Take up an activity you enjoy and do it regularly, to help you manage the pressures of everyday life as well as the additional stresses of trying to conceive. If you’re already a regular athlete, be aware that intensive exercise can actually interfere with the production of testosterone, leading to compromised fertility, so you might want to modify your regime while in the preconception phase. Keep fit with these fitness tips and motivation.
Rethink that next drink
Alcohol interferes with both female and male fertility, so it’s wise to stop or reduce the amount you drink while you’re trying for a baby. Experts disagree on the exact maximum amount appropriate for a preconception diet, so talk to your healthcare provider for advice.
Say no to a smoko
Smoking affects hormone levels and decreases both sperm count and motility (their ability to swim), so there’s no question that if you’re a smoker, you may face male fertility challenges. There is no safe number of cigarettes to smoke (during the preconception stage or any other time) so take steps to quit now.
Keep Cool and boost male fertility with Snowballs.
Source: The Family Kitchen