Healthy Men: 8 Ways to Avoid Gaining Relationship Weight


They say love is blind, and that may be true—especially when it comes to an expanding waistline. In a new British survey, 62 percent of women polled said they accidentally gained up to 15 pounds after coupling up. Nearly 75 percent also thought their other half had packed on weight, too. Whether eating out, grabbing drinks, or swapping gym time for movie nights is to blame, one thing is certain: Following a few healthy-dating tricks can help keep the weight off and you happy-in-love. Here, experts explain how.


How To Handle the Question: When Are You Going to Have Kids?

Sutton Place Hotel

If you have been trying to conceive for a while, you dread those offhand, well-meaning questions about your family planning. It might come from your aunt at the dinner table or an old college friend you run into at a bookstore, but the question usually takes some form of, “When are you going to have kids?”

For whatever reason, matters of conception and childbearing seem to be fair game as conversation topics, even when the asker is not particularly close to the one being quizzed. If your first impulse when such questions come is to explode, you’re not alone, but preparing a controlled, honest response is generally preferable than giving into your frustration.


Fertility Old Wives’ Tales: The Funniest Stories You May Not Have Heard


Couples who are trying for a baby tend to be well informed about fertility and their options to help bring about conception. If anyone is able to distinguish between old wives’ tales and facts undergirded by research, it would be the men and women who spend hours talking to medical professionals and reading every resource about fertility they can get their hands on. So just for fun, in the spirit of discerning truth from fiction, we bring you a roundup of some of the most outlandish fertility myths:


Tips for Trying to Conceive in Your 30’s and 40’s

By Bonnie Berstien (Babble)
By Bonnie Berstien (Babble)

Researchers tell us that the average age couples are waiting to have their first child is rising quickly. Today, the average is 26 years old. Just a century ago, the average age a woman conceived her first child was around 19. Much of the reason for this is cultural; we’re extending childhood farther and farther as our life expectancy and quality of life increases. Today’s children don’t often leave home until well into their 20s, so it’s no surprise they’re waiting until later to have kids. If you’re in your 30s and 40’s and trying to conceive, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind:


5 Top Tips When Trying to Conceive


The first time you and your wife try to get pregnant, you probably start out a little naïve. You assume that all you need is a nice romantic evening at the right time of the month and you’ll be well on your way to parenthood.

The fact is that most couples are trying to conceive for at least a couple of months before getting it right. Other couples may need to try for up to a year – even if they don’t have any specific fertility problems.

Here are some key things to keep in mind to increase your odds of success when trying to conceive:
