Did you know that around 90 percent of male infertility is caused by a sperm quality or sperm count problem? Around half of all cases of infertility and sub-fertility are due to a low sperm count. In some of these cases, sperm count can be increased naturally to the point that the man will be able to get his partner pregnant.
Maintain a healthy weight – or achieve a healthy weight
Many male reproductive hormones can be disrupted by an unhealthy body weight — men who are underweight or overweight may have a lower sperm count because of this. Testosterone, gonadotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are all among those that will function differently with an unhealthy BMI. All are directly ivolved in sperm production in one way or another.
A healthy body weight is achieved with a variety of lifestyle choices. A healthy diet, which we will return to later for other reasons, is one key to both getting to and staying at a weight that is appropriate for your body. Regular physical exercises is another important lifestyle choice. Men who have extreme exercise routines are also likely to suffer the consequences in the form of a reduced sperm count. Applying common sense usually does the trick, but those who already have problems with their weight should not hesitate to consult a doctor or dietician to get to their ideal weight.
A healthy diet creates healthy sperm
Zinc, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E are all nutrients that contribute to healthsperm and a normal sperm count. Eating a healthy diet full of all the right vitamins and minerals is important for everyone. Men who already know that they have a low sperm count or who suffer from sperm quality problems can certainly try to improve their diet and monitor how the change affects their sperm. DHA and other fatty acids improve your blood flow to your genitals, something that may also increase your sperm count.
Without being healthy yourself, your sperm can’t be healthy either. That is quite logical, isn’t it? A multivitamin and mineral supplement will help, but nutrients are always more readily absorbed through actual foods. Antioxidants like vitamin E support your body in coping with environmental factors like pollution.
For some quick ways to eat your way to a higher sperm count, check out our recipes.
Take care of your balls
Have you ever heard that cycling or taking hot baths is bad for your sperm? These are not myths, I am sorry to say. Overheating your testicles is a bad idea. Your testicles hang away from the rest of your body for a good reason — sperm is produced at a temperature that is slightly slower than your overall body temperature. Lots of stuff men do can overheat their testicles. Are you offending in any area?
Tight underwear, especially if it is also synthetic, is one thing you shouldn’t wear if you are trying to get your partner pregnant. Sitting with a laptop in your lap is another common act that doesn’t do your reproductive chances any good, particularly if you do it for long periods of time. Taking hot baths falls into the same category.
Other lifestyle factors that reduce your sperm count
Smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and even drinking lots of coffee can all mess with either your sperm count or your sperm’s speed or shape. Medications you take for chronic illnesses, or steroids you use as part of your sports regime, can also be responsible for infertility.
The things that are optional are easy to control. Since you can’t very well just stop taking prescription medications, that is something that would require more of a discussion with your doctor. Men who take any prescription meds at all, and who have been diagnosed with a low sperm count and other sperm problems, should always have a chat about their medicationswith their healthcare provider.
A healthy lifestyle — cure, or prevention?
I don’t even remember how many different articles I have written about lifestyle changes women should make when they are about to start trying for a baby. I won’t bother any men with stuff about the menstrual cycle, but the rest of the advice can just as easily be applied to men. Are you hoping for a baby? Don’t wait for a gloomy sperm analysis to start making positive changes. Do it now. Men are just as important to the reproductive process as women are!
Keep Cool.
Source: Trying to Conceive