Tips for Trying to Conceive in Your 30’s and 40’s

By Bonnie Berstien (Babble)
By Bonnie Berstien (Babble)

Researchers tell us that the average age couples are waiting to have their first child is rising quickly. Today, the average is 26 years old. Just a century ago, the average age a woman conceived her first child was around 19. Much of the reason for this is cultural; we’re extending childhood farther and farther as our life expectancy and quality of life increases. Today’s children don’t often leave home until well into their 20s, so it’s no surprise they’re waiting until later to have kids. If you’re in your 30s and 40’s and trying to conceive, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind:


Trying to Conceive: A Checklist for Men

By: Getty Images
By: Getty Images

The world of trying to conceive (or even “TTC”!) is colored pink, there’s no doubt about it. If you’re a guy who is hoping to become a dad soon, you may have some trouble navigating all that info about ovulation and menstrual cycles, to find something that’s relevant to you. Here’s a checklist for men who are trying to conceive, because we know you feel better when you are proactive!


5 Top Tips When Trying to Conceive


The first time you and your wife try to get pregnant, you probably start out a little naïve. You assume that all you need is a nice romantic evening at the right time of the month and you’ll be well on your way to parenthood.

The fact is that most couples are trying to conceive for at least a couple of months before getting it right. Other couples may need to try for up to a year – even if they don’t have any specific fertility problems.

Here are some key things to keep in mind to increase your odds of success when trying to conceive:


Want to Boost Sperm Count? Watch Less TV.

By Vicki Clinebell (momstastic)
By Vicki Clinebell (momstastic)

Are you trying to conceive? You’re probably trying to figure out when your partner is ovulating, using folic acid, and staying away from alcohol and cigarettes. While you are doing all that you can to stay healthy and increase your chances of conceiving as soon as possible, you may also want to make sure your limiting your time in front of the box. Men who watch TV for 20 or more hours a week have lower sperm counts than more active men, a new study suggests!


Tips for Wives with Infertile Husbands


I recently came across a woman on a message board whose husband is dealing with infertility. Like anyone dealing with infertility he has not dealt with it well. She has had a hard time connecting with him, which is natural given the circumstances. Just as men are going to have a hard time understanding what their infertile wives are going through, it’s going to be the same situation when roles are reversed. So here is a some advice for women who have husbands who are infertile.


How to Boost Your Sperm Count Through Diet

By SheKnows Food & Recipe Editors

Are you and your partner trying for a baby? If you have immersed yourself into the world of “TTC”, you will no doubt have noticed that most articles and books are directed at women and specifically related to the female body. Yet, the male role in conception is clearly equally important, and while folic acid and a health diet give the future mom and her baby the best start in pregnancy, her partner’s dietary habits have a direct impact on his sperm and fertility, and thus the couple’s chances of conceiving.
