8 Sexual Super Foods For Males


Sexual health depends directly on the foods that we eat. The foods that we eat has a major impact on our sexual health. Men can face a lot of problems when it comes to their sexual life due to problems such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. For this, they use many medicines including Viagra, which is the most commonly used drug, to improve their performance on bed.


However, the use of these drugs can cause a medical emergency, as there will be prolonged erection problems and other side effects associated with it. Now, there is no need to use drugs to increase your sexual performance. You can make your act last longer and have pleasure with some natural foods instead.

These foods increase the blood flow to the penis, improve the sperm’s quality, prevent erectile dysfunction and also improve the sexual performance. These foods can replace Viagra and can improve the male fertility as well.

In this article, we have mentioned some super foods to increase male sexual performance and keep your penis in good health. Have a look at some best foods for your penis.

  • Hot Spicy Food:  A study has shown that men who are fond of hot sauce and spicy foods have increased male hormone known as testosterone. The capsaicin present in chillies increases the size of the penis and also decreases belly fat as well.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes A research has shown that men who eat tomatoes have good sperm quality and low risk of developing prostate cancer. The credit must go to the antioxidant ‘lycopene’ present in the tomatoes, which not only boosts your manhood but also removes the toxins from your body.
  • Spinach: It increases blood flow to the penis. Spinach contains a lot of magnesium and reduces inflammation of the blood vessels, thus increasing the blood flow. Eating spinach on a daily basis will have similar effects as taking Viagra, as it will increase arousal and pleasure during the act.
  • Watermelon: It makes your erections harder, as it is rich in an amino acid called L-citrulline. This amino acid increases blood flow to the penis by producing nitric oxide in the body. Water melon is one of the best foods for your penis.
  • Coffee: A research has shown that men who drink two to three cups have less chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction as compared to men who avoid coffee. The stimulants present in coffee increase the blood flow to the penis, thus keeping it strong.
  • Ginger: This spice can drastically improve your sex life by making erections harder. Ginger improves blood flow to the penis, increases sperm quality and prevents erectile dysfunction. A teaspoon of ginger when consumed daily for a few weeks can increase your testosterone levels drastically
  • Pomegranate: It increases blood flow to the penis, as it is rich in antioxidants. Eating pomegranate prevents erectile dysfunction and makes your penis harder. In fact, it is the fruit by which eve lured Adam in heaven.
  • Banana: This potassium-rich fruit increases the blood flow to the penis and prevents blood pressure from shooting up. Eating two bananas on a daily basis can make your penis healthy and make the act more pleasurable.

Source: Bold Sky

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