Physical hunger:
- Comes on gradually
- Is felt in your stomach
- Any food will do
- Easy to satisfy
Emotional hunger:
- Hits suddenly
- Is a mental craving
- Specific food desired
- Hard to satisfy
If your hunger is physical, feed it with good fuel, like protein or vegetables.
If it’s emotional, find three words to describe how you feel (bored, frustrated, horny) and find ways—a walk, chess, a hug—to deal, says Susan Albers, Psy.D., author of Eating Mindfully.
When you do eat, avoid distractions like TV. Think about the food. Focus on the taste and texture. Chew slowly. Try using your nondominant hand.
And stop to take a breath between bites—maybe you’ve had enough. Those leftovers will taste great tomorrow.
Source: Men’s Health